emerging mind*

Author: Gerd Doeben-Henisch

Email: info@emerging-mind.org

Last change: May 24, 2024


Welcome to the emerging-mind blog page.

After Phase I with experiments using Python under Ubuntu 16 and Phase II with experiments using Raspberry Pi with Python, we now enter Phase III with experiments combining ChatGPT-4 and Python; often in parallel with our own oksimo software, to highlight the differences.

All phases I – III will remain on this blog.


Beginning May 24, 2024


TOOLBOX: raspberry PI & Python & Experiments

Jan 18, 2021

several posts until Aug 11, 2022


Many more examples have been worked out at the uffmm.org location between April 2029 and Oct 2020.

These examples deal also with python3 under Windows 10

PROGRAMMING WITH PYTHON ON UBUNTU. Part 1. Build the Environment

Oct 27, 2017

several posts until February 2018


In the history of humanity, the concept of ‚mind‘ has been associated with very different interpretations. Ultimately, the primary reference frame remains the biological evolution of increasingly complex biological structures with an incredibly vast variety of behaviors. ‚Behavior,‘ a part of the ‚phenotype,‘ manifests the dynamics of ‚internal structures‘ that transform ’system input‘ along with ‚internal structures‘ into ’system output.‘ For humans, it is further complicated by their ability to exchange their internal processes in relation to an external world through language communication, allowing them to ‚coordinate‘ their behavior in ways far more sophisticated than any other form of biological life on the planet. In this ‚cloud of complexity,‘ it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what ‚mind‘ should be. Here, the entirety of communicating systems is understood as a ‚total work of art‘ that represents ‚MIND‘ as a whole. It is clear that this mind has developed in a dynamic process and continues to evolve. Algorithms (programs) are tiny process snippets that can be played with to ‚learn complexity.‘ It is clear that today’s programs, which are called ‚intelligent,‘ are still so simple that it is almost misleading to talk about intelligence in them. But people love this game: they do not understand themselves well, but these small ‚cuddly‘ programs that ‚appear human‘ because they play with human artifacts, they seem comprehensible; one easily gets ‚lulled‘ by them…